Thursday, June 08, 2006

So Much Good News!

Firstly and most importantly - Steven is doing great! His last set of bloodwork came back with most readings right in the normal range and the three that were off, were only just out of normal range. Different places have slightly different sets of the 'normal' range, and so we are comforted that none of his readings are far out at all. Steven dropped by tonight to wash is car and eat pizza with us. He looks really good. Besides being a really good looking young man with a wicked glint in his eyes, he looks good :-) Ms Laura is away this week and I bet he has some house cleaning to do before she gets back on the weekend!

And we got Steven an appointment with Dr Druker in early September! We asked for a time around then as we should be close to that area at that time of the fundraiser. So that worked out perfectly. I had sent an email to Dr Druker's office and the Corporate Angel Network earlier, and as I was reading the response from Jennifer at Dr Drukers office, an email came in from the Corporate Angel Network saying that yes, they would fly Steven and Laura to the appointment in Oregon in a lear jet free of charge! Wow, wow and wow...........! A link to their site is on the left of this blog under 'links'.

What an amazing moment! So Steven and Laura will meet up with us in Oregon and then they will fly back again, leaving us to carry on with the fundraiser. We will be adding the Corporate Angel Network Logo to the sides of the motorhome and the websites. What a fantastic organisation they are! They fly cancer patients to or from any qualified cancer center free of charge - how amazing is that! Steven is thrilled to bits to be able to fly on such an airplane and its difficult to wipe the smile from his face......

It is absolutely fantastic to see something exciting happening for them while they deal with this CML and its amazing to see how much help is out there for people with cancer - just wonderful!

Yesterday my sister, Katie, called me to wish me happy birthday - no! I refuse to get younger - I have earned every wrinkle and gray hair! :-) She also told me that the Talk Radio 102.3 station was close by at one of the local stores doing an 'out in the field' broadcast. So I quickly put together a folder with information on Steven, the fundraiser and the need to Pay Forward. I put myself and this folder in the car - and drove down there. When I saw the whole outfit there I wondered at the person I have become. Then I took that bright yellow folder, marched across to the guys there during a break and introduced myself. Jeff Stiles quickly flipped through the file and asked me to wait a while. After killing a bottle of water - I mean literally -I squeezed holes in it from nervousness, they called me over and we went on the air! He made it so easy to talk about all this. I managed to say how wonderful Billy T & Tom Signs are, what we were doing, why and how. Really a great opportunity!

When I got back to the shop, within 2 minutes, the door opened and a guy came in looking around - he had followed me up from the broadcast to give a donation! That really blew me away. He was so sweet.

This week has been wonderful, totally amazing. I have learned so much and it feels as if this is all really going to happen. The best of the week was hearing Steven on the phone when I told him about the flight to Oregon! That was the absolootle bestest ever! :-)

Please spread the word about this fundraiser - together we can all make a difference to so many people!

A really big thanks to Corporate Angel Network and Billy T & Tom Signs and everyone else that has donated towards this fundraiser! May there be many more joining this list.


1 comment:

Penny said...

I'm so happy that Steven's bloodwork is so good. May it stay that way for years to come!