Sunday, March 06, 2011

Can it be 5 years already?

5 years today we heard the words that would change all of our worlds in more ways than we could have imagined, then and now.  Those words seemed to have challenged us.....  I remember Steven saying to me in the hospital that 'everyone dies, I am going to try not die from this."   

He has done so much more than just survive.  He, together with Laura, have flourished and lived their lives more fully than I see in most young couples.  Without Laura, I would not have been able to relax as much as I have over the years - even tonight she reassured me that she would 'report him' if she thought it necessary! What a lady :)

I am so incredibly proud of the young adults in this photograph... they are strong people, bound together by a love that wont break, bound by a goodness that is just beautiful.  Steven and Laura, thank you for letting me into your cml world, being patient and understanding of my 'freakiness', especially in the early years.  Lisa and Joleen - thanks for giving me the understanding to deal with it all while standing by and learning to deal with it yourselves.  You have all given me the strength and love to keep on going......I love you all more than I can say.

5 years.  So many lessons learned, so many people have come into my life.  Too many have left, leaving huge gaps but in the big picture I think we have all grown in ways that are so good and so solid.

Now....... on to the next 55 years!

love and light


Chuck said...

Congrats to Steven and his 5 year mark. I know when you are first diagnosed you are worried you won't make it until the next doctors appointment. As the time goes by and the appointments are further and further apart you start to realize you and your family will make it through. Yes it does bring everyone closer and be thankful for that. Enjoy the feeling as it gets better with time!

Jon Gershon said...


Here's to 5 years passing quickly and with improved results. I am very happy for you and Stephen. We are on this road together and it seems to be getting easier.

Jon Gershon