Sunday, January 01, 2012

Open Door time

The standard 'Happy New Year' has been floating around my mind these past few days, for more than the obvious reasons.  Obviously we want to wish each other the best for the new year and obviously one cant go into too much detail with each greeting, but I really do think that it should be more tailored at times.

I could not wish someone who has lost a child a happy new year.  That greeting should be more along the lines of  wishing them a peaceful year, or a gentle year, or something along those lines.  I have been called nuts before, and this is just my opinion.

Today as I took down my Christmas Tree, I had the lights on it burning for the time it took to get all the decorations back in their box.  I took each of those little gifts down and thought of the person it represents and sent them wishes for the year ahead.  So if you feel a little thought, a little smile - it came from my tree :)  Yeah - nuts.

Anyway - here's wishing you a year with all the love and peace, joy and gentle times, all the laughter and hugs you can handle...... a year where you give and get compassion and understanding, a year where you just know that you are loved.

So yes, the door to another year is open - wide open.  For some it will be a breeze, for others level walking and for some it will be an uphill slog.  But it's an open door that we all have to go through.

I wish for you...... a good wish.

love and light